Saturday 8 October 2011

Uh, yeah.

I bought a pack of cigarettes.

I think I need to change this blog back to having some kind of story instead of just saying what happens to me each day, as that is far too depressing.

If anyone has any suggestions feel free to comment, I've never had a comment...


  1. Hi Zoid,

    I read your stories (chapters) and I think they are good. Yep, you can write. Have you read Bukowski, John Fante, John Dolan, Celine, Mark Ames? I think you'd like them.
    Keep writing, man - it's good stuff. Would be good even if you were inventing it, but I suspect you are writing from memory, which makes the material even better.
    Only thing I didn't like was the self-pity. The stories speak for themselves, no need for moralizing and regret.

    5-6 years back this type of writing was really popular. There was this guy who wrote "A Million Little Pieces" and appeared on Oprah. James Frey. Why didn't he OD! Later Oprah got angry at him. But by then the guy was already a made writer, haha, talentless fuck that he was. So you might even get published by the big publishing houses. You certainly write better than Frey, for all that counts. If the big publishers reject you, there are the smaller houses. Or you can self-publish on Amazon. As the iPads and Kindles gain popularity, eBook sales are skyrocketing. But first you have to finish the book.

    I remember reading your posts a year or two ago, and thinking, man, this guy can write. Glad to read more of your stuff. Looking forward to reading a whole book of yours someday.

    Rado from Isonews

    P.S. Oh, yeah: The Dark Knight does fucking suck.

  2. Thanks Man, glad someone's enjoying it. WIll try and do something worthwhile soon.
